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 Mar 31  S2025: Scores submission period for the Second Mid-term Assesments Starts
 Mar 31  SU1/2025: Advising starts
 Mar 31  SU2/2025: Advising starts
 Apr 04  S2025: Administrative Withdrawal from Courses of Students with Overdue Tuition Balance
 Apr 07  S2025: Scores submission period for the Second Mid-term Assesments Ends
 Apr 18  S2025: Last Day to Reinstate after Administrative Withdraw from Courses
 Apr 21  SU1/2025: Registration for 4th year undergraduate students, Honored students, students with special needs and all Master students begins at 10:00 (100% payment is required prior to registration for Summer semester)
 Apr 21  SU2/2025: Registration for 4th year undergraduate students, Honored students, students with special needs and all Master students begins at 10:00 (100% payment is required prior to registration for Summer semester)
 Apr 24  SU1/2025: Registration for 3rd year Undergraduate students begins at 10:00 (100% payment is required prior to registration for Summer semester)
 Apr 24  SU2/2025: Registration for 3rd year Undergraduate students begins at 10:00 (100% payment is required prior to registration for Summer semester)